module Orchestrate::Rails::Tutorial::TheSearchAction
Adding search capability to the example application¶ ↑ search allows collections to be queried using Lucene Query Parser Syntax.
Updating up the rails routing¶ ↑
Add the following line to <rails-root>/config/routes.rb
get "search_results" => "films#search_results"
Adding the search_results
action to the films controller.¶ ↑
Update <rails-root>/app/controllers/films_controller.rb
to add the search_results
class FilmsController < ApplicationController def index @films = Film.all end def show @film = Film.find params[:id] @comments = @film.comments @sequels = @film.sequels @spawn_of_sequels = @film.spawn_of_sequels end def new @film = end def create @film = Film.create! attributes redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => end def search_results query_str = (params[:query_str].blank?) ? '*' : params[:query_str] @title = "Search results for '#{query_str}'" @films = Film.search_results(query_str) end private # "The Godfather:Part IV" --> "the_godfather_part_iv" def generate_primary_key params[:film][:title]': ', '_') end def attributes params[:film].merge(:id => generate_primary_key) end end
Adding a search form to the index
view.¶ ↑
Update <rails-root>/app/views/films/index.html.haml
include search.
%ul.films.list-group %li.list-group-item - title = "Films - Orchestrate.IO Example Application" = render partial: 'films/film_list', locals: { title: title, films: @films } %li.list-group-item = render partial: 'films/query', locals: { title: "Search the Films Collection" }
Now we'll add the partial view that displays the query input form.
Create <rails-root>/app/views/films/_query.html.haml
%h3.list-group-item-heading= title %ul.list-group %li.list-group-item .row = form_tag search_results_path, method: :get, class: "form-signin" do .input-group %span.input-group-addon.form-control= search_field_tag :query_str, nil, size: 40, placeholder: " Lucene query string" %span.input-group-addon.form-control= button_tag "Click to search", name: 'search_result', url: '/search_results', class: "btn btn-default"
Adding the view for search_results¶ ↑
Let's display the search results.
%ul.films.list-group %li.list-group-item = render partial: 'films/film_list', locals: { title: @title, films: @films }
Try it out¶ ↑
Navigate to the home page and try a couple of searches.
orchestrate-rails supports search by property names , as shown in the search tutorial , and by model attribute names.