module Orchestrate::Rails::UserGuide::TheSchema

Properties and attributes collections consist of sets of key/value pairs, each referenced by a primary_key and stored in a json document. Property names are the original key names in json documents stored in orchestrate collections - before they are converted to snake_case, rails-style attribute names.

The id attribute

orchestrate-rails models use the id attribute as the primary_key when accessing collections. The rails application is responsible for initializing the value of the id attribute when adding new data to a collection.

The schema

Since property names cannot be expected to conform to orchestrate-rails convention, a schema is used to ensure that they are correctly mapped to attribute names, and vice-versa.

Here is an example schema definition file, for the films collection from the tutorial:

  :name        => 'films',
  :classname   => 'Film',
  :properties  => [ :Title, :Year, :Rated, :Released,
                    :Runtime, :Genre, :Director, :Writer,
                    :Actors, :Plot, :Poster, :imdbRating,
                    :imdbVotes, :imdbID, :Type, :Response ],
  :event_types => [ :comments ],
  :graphs      => [ :sequel ],

  :collection => 'films',
  :event_type => :comments,
  :properties => [ :User, :Comment ]

  :collection    => 'films',
  :relation_kind => :sequel,
  :to_collection => 'films',

orchestrate-rails generates these attribute names from the above schema:

:Title      => 'title'
:Year       => 'year'
:Rated      => 'rated'
:Released   => 'released'
:Runtime    => 'runtime'
:Genre      => 'genre'
:Director   => 'director'
:Writer     => 'writer'
:Actors     => 'actors'
:Plot       => 'plot'
:Poster     => 'poster'
:imdbRating => 'imdb_rating'
:imdbVotes  => 'imdb_votes'
:imdbID     => 'imdb_id'
:Type       => 'type'
:Response   => 'response'

:User       => 'user'
:Comment    => 'comment'

An application may define a new schema at any time before the corresponding model is instantiated.

Schema definition during Rails initialization

This section describes how the schema definition file can be loaded during rails initialization. The schema definition file may reside anywhere that makes sense, for example:


This schema can then be loaded during rails initialization by adding the following line to <rails-root>/config/application.rb:

Orchestrate::Rails::Schema.load "./db/schema.rb"


Defining the model