module Orchestrate::Rails::UserGuide::TheSchema
Properties and attributes¶ ↑ collections consist of sets of key/value pairs, each referenced by a primary_key and stored in a json document. Property names are the original key names in json documents stored in orchestrate collections - before they are converted to snake_case, rails-style attribute names.
The id attribute¶ ↑
orchestrate-rails models use the id attribute as the primary_key when accessing collections. The rails application is responsible for initializing the value of the id attribute when adding new data to a collection.
The schema¶ ↑
Since property names cannot be expected to conform to orchestrate-rails convention, a schema is used to ensure that they are correctly mapped to attribute names, and vice-versa.
Here is an example schema definition file, for the films collection from the tutorial:
Orchestrate::Rails::Schema.define_collection( :name => 'films', :classname => 'Film', :properties => [ :Title, :Year, :Rated, :Released, :Runtime, :Genre, :Director, :Writer, :Actors, :Plot, :Poster, :imdbRating, :imdbVotes, :imdbID, :Type, :Response ], :event_types => [ :comments ], :graphs => [ :sequel ], ) Orchestrate::Rails::Schema.define_event_type( :collection => 'films', :event_type => :comments, :properties => [ :User, :Comment ] ) Orchestrate::Rails::Schema.define_graph( :collection => 'films', :relation_kind => :sequel, :to_collection => 'films', )
orchestrate-rails generates these attribute names from the above schema:
:Title => 'title' :Year => 'year' :Rated => 'rated' :Released => 'released' :Runtime => 'runtime' :Genre => 'genre' :Director => 'director' :Writer => 'writer' :Actors => 'actors' :Plot => 'plot' :Poster => 'poster' :imdbRating => 'imdb_rating' :imdbVotes => 'imdb_votes' :imdbID => 'imdb_id' :Type => 'type' :Response => 'response' :User => 'user' :Comment => 'comment'
An application may define a new schema at any time before the corresponding model is instantiated.
Schema definition during Rails initialization¶ ↑
This section describes how the schema definition file can be loaded during rails initialization. The schema definition file may reside anywhere that makes sense, for example:
This schema can then be loaded during rails initialization by adding the following line to <rails-root>/config/application.rb:
Orchestrate::Rails::Schema.load "./db/schema.rb"