module Orchestrate::Rails::UserGuide::TheBasics

orchestrate-rails - the basics information offers a free developer tier.

The configuration file

The configuration file is a JSON file that is used to set up the client during rails initialization. The template is shown below.


Setting verbose to true prints each HTTP request line to the standard output.

The configuration file may reside anywhere that makes sense, for example:


Orchestrate::Application::Connect.config is used to pass the config file location to orchestrate-rails. Rails provides for a number of ways to do this; one is to make the call during initialization by adding the following line to <rails-root>/config/application.rb:

Orchestrate::Application::Connect.config "./lib/orchestrate_config.json"

The Gemfile

# gems depend on httparty
gem "orchestrate-api"
gem "orchestrate-rails"


Properties, attributes and the schema